Sell Yourself to Be Successful in Life

If you want to be successful in life, business, or relationships, you must learn one simple secret. That secret is ... you must learn how to sell yourself!

Now before you get too antsy and worried, and begin to list all the reasons why you are not a salesperson and you could never do this, please understand that selling yourself is not about learning and using finely honed sales skills like you would in business.

Selling yourself is as simple as the way you present yourself.

Let's look at a common sense example from everyday life -- yourself!

If you are married, or even dating someone, this applies to you. Think back to your first date, or even your first several dates. Remember the great care you took to make sure you looked good and were on time.

If you were supposed to pick your date up at 7pm, you made sure to block out enough time to shower, do your hair, get dressed in nice clothes, and leave with enough time to meet your deadline. Perhaps you even bought new clothes for the occasion!

This is an example of selling yourself. You displayed interest in your appearance and confidence in yourself as you prepared for and executed this "sales plan."

We could go on and on about the many other things you did on your first date to sell yourself, but you should get the picture from this example. Suffice it to say, if you began talking about your bug collection on your first date, you probably stopped selling yourself!
