Advice - How to Quit Smoking - Part 1

Nicotine is an addictive drug found in tobacco.

The first part of this article is my personal opinion, please do not become offended.

We all know the harmful long term and short term side effects of tobacco. Tobacco companies themselves warn us on the packages that their product is the leading cause of death in North America. Yet they continue to market it and the government makes too much money off the sales of tobacco to ever de-legalize it. The sad truth is the government cares more about money then they will ever care about our health.

Smokers, who started in the past 10 years when it was publicly known how harmful smoking was, created their own pain. Everyone in this world has the ability to make decisions, and the decision not to smoke should be an easy one to make. Now not everyone was smart enough to make the decision in the first place, but many come to realize the mistake years down the road. Those people often say things like "I WISH I could quit" or "I WISH I never started smoking" These types of statements are weak minded statements, and it