The Magic of Color

Deciding what colors to use when decorating your house can be a real challenge. Do you want a soothing atmosphere, vibrant or warm and cozy? The choice does not have to be complicated if you understand the workings of the theory of color.
As many colors as there are out there all come from one of the colors of the rainbow: red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo, violet and black and white.

These colors are divided up into two categories:

Primary Colors: red, yellow and blue. They are called primary because they are pure and no two colors were mixed to create the color.
Secondary Colors: orange, green, and violet. They are called secondary because they are mixed from two of the primary colors.

There are also two types of colors within the color wheel:

Harmonious Colors: Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Blues, green, blue-green and aqua all lay next to each other and work well together in any room to create a comfortable harmonious atmosphere.
Contrasting Colors: Colors, which are on the opposite side of the color wheel. Red-green or blue-orange contrast each other but will complement each other and will create a vibrant intense atmosphere.

Colors can have a powerful effect on the feel of a room.
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