Direct Mail Fundraising Arithmetic: Avoid Blunders By Knowing
Your Numbers.
Your direct mail fundraising results never lie. But they mislead
you if you let them.
I worked as Director of Development for a national charity that
held a lavish fundraising banquet each year. The staff, from the
executive director down to the receptionist, including the
development staff, thought this banquet was the organization's
most successful fundraiser.
Shortly after being hired, I conducted a comprehensive
development audit that measured the profitability of the
organization's fundraising methods, including this annual
banquet. I added up the cost of the venue, catering, table and
chair rental, lighting, sound, speaker honorarium, invitation
printing, postage and every other related cost and subtracted
this number from the gross income.
What a surprise we got!
What looked like a successful fundraiser was actually the
organization's least-effective fundraiser. In 1999, they spent