Lifestyle and Cancer
New reviews and research suggest that excess weight coupled with
poor diet is the main cause of cancer. Almost 1/3rd of eight odd
million cancer deaths a year around the world are as a result of
lifestyle and environmental factors. Good habits may not rectify
bad genes but they can counter their effects.
The main risk factors that account for more than 35% of cancer
deaths are Smoking, no physical activity, alcohol, diets void of
fruits and vegetables, obesity, alcohol, pollution, unsafe sex
and reused needles.
Smoking, alcohol abuse and diet that contains too few or no
fruits and vegetables are the front running and controllable
risks for about a dozen kinds of cancers.
The rate of cancer deaths is more in developed countries despite
having lesser population. The reasons for this are attributed to
use of alcohol in abundance, smoking and obesity, mostly male
issues. Females are nevertheless not far behind, and are
catching up.
Smoking is known to cause lung cancer for donkey's ears. Despite
the statutory warnings on the packs, people at large seem to
carry on with the habit, being fully aware of the consequences.
Changing their lifestyle to reduce risk is a very important
decision they should make especially when the perspective turns
to their family and their support. Losing that excess weight and
a little exercise can keep cancer at bay. Moreover, this can
greatly help in fighting other diseases and improves the quality
of life. Obesity has also been associated with depression for a
long time. Developing a positive attitude will greatly benefit a
person physically and psychologically. Beer and wine have proven
to help protect the heart in moderate quantities but no proven
benefits are observed against cancer. But, where does the need
to protect the heart arise from, once you have that positive
attitude and take things as they come one at a time, there is
not reason why alcohol consumption on a regular basis cannot be
Changing your lifestyle, considering the above suggestions would
go a great way in reducing the risk of cancer. Why suffer
knowingly? The symptoms become evident much before the disease
itself. Make sure you take the right steps in the positive
direction. Cancer research is a continuous ongoing process,
please keep yourself upto date.