The History of Ashton Cigars
Owned by a Philadelphia based enterprise and named after a well
known and respected English pipe-maker these fine tailored
cigars are made in the Dominican Republic.
These cigars come in three different styles of flavor. The first
is simply known as Ashton. Then
there is the Ashton Cabinet Selection and the Ashton Aged
Maduro. All three are wrapped in Conneticut Leaf, although the
Ashton Aged Maduro is wrapped in broadleaf instead of shade, and
is also filled with a Domincan blend. You really must try them
all to find your own personal preference.
The Cabinet Selection is the mildest of the three, due to the
extra aging of the tobacco. If you prefer a slightly richer
smoke go with the standard selection. If you like a sweeter
cigar go with a Maduro No. 10. I personally recommend the
standard selection but the selection of cigars is truly a
personal decision.
Ashton also offers the Ashton Crown series which is made with
only the most precious leaves from the Chatea de la Fuente farm.
These special cigars are always a great choice.
Ashton is definitely my favorite brand of cigars. The quality
and consitency of associated with this brand is unsurpassed. My
favorite is the Ashton VSG, or virgin sun grown cigar.
Jeffrey Henderson