Wallpaper Removal - A Quick and Easy How-To
A word of warning upfront, if you have a wallpaper removal task
ahead of you're your in for a bit of work. Make sure you set
aside a considerable amount of time for this project as you may
run into tough spots and problem areas that will eat up a lot of
time. Removing wallpaper however, while not a fun task, can be
done quickly and easily if you are prepared.
First get the room ready. Remove everything from the room that
can be removed. This includes furniture and rugs where possible.
When the room is emptied cover the floor with a drop cloth in
the area you will be working. This will aid in cleanup later.
Now get all of your tools together: * Goggles * Mask *
Perforator * Bucket * Sponge * Glue Dissolving Agent * Blunt
Scraper * Sharp Scraper
Goggles and a mask are on the list first for a good reason. You
will have little pieces of who knows how old paper with who know
what kind of glue on it flying and dripping all over the place.
Wear the goggles and the mask whenever you are doing the least
bit of work.
I can't underestimate the importance of the perforator. They
come in a couple styles and sizes. Get the one that is most
appropriate to the amount of paper you have to remove. The
perforator is pretty simple to use. With a slight amount of
pressure you roll it around the wall and it makes little divots
into the paper. Be careful not to press to hard as you do not
want to dig into the wall itself.
Next is preparing your solution. The commercial products work
well, but I've had good results with warm water and vinegar. If
you are going to use the commercial products, be sure to follow
their instructions as to mixture ratios. For the vinegar
solution, 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water is sufficient for most
glues. Add more vinegar if you are having difficulties.
Ok, so we're ready to start soaking the walls. Pick a spot, not
to large, and get it thoroughly wet with your sponge and
solution. Some people like to use a sprayer as well, but I find
the sponge and a little pressure works better. Don't be shy
about wetting the wall. Your solution needs to soak through the
paper and loosen the glue. You may have to repeat this step
depending on your situation.
Now comes the scrapping. Use a blunt scrapper or even a putty
knife to start with. You want to avoid nicking or gauging the
wall underneath to save the trouble of spackling later on. Use
slow even strokes to remove the paper. If it is loose enough it
will simply melt off the wall. If not, wet it again. If you
continue to have trouble, you may have to switch to the sharp
scrapper. Be very careful though, of both your fingers and the
Once all the paper if off, you may have to repeat this process
to remove extra paper layers or even a glue layer that may be
left behind. You want to get all the way down to the plaster or
drywall. Then, spackle any nicks or holes smooth, clean up the
mess and paint to suit. Oh, and congratulate yourself on a job
well done.