Gated Online Communities Phenomenon on the Internet
The recent phenomenon of so called "Gated Online Communities"
seems to be catching on. Most of us are used to stand behind the
velvet rope and wait patiently for a grim looking individual to
let us pass the barrier and grant us entry into the "exclusive"
and "hip" clubs. This is a well known ritual around the world
repeating itself every Saturday or any other Party night of the
week. After being introduced to the mass concept of "Social
Online Networking" through sites like friendster and other
"open" online communities, where everybody could join, we now
know how the real life concept of being rejected by the bouncer
feels in cyber space, thank's to sites like and The third
in line which is by invitation only is by
Google,which can not be added to the list after exceeding 12
Mio. members.
Just a few month ago nobody would have thought that the
"snobiness" and sense of exclusive circle and the feeling of
belonging to the hip crowd could be surpassed thanks to the
strict requirements of the "by invitation only" introduced by
the now already commercial and well known aSmallWorld closed
community site, when a new player appears on the virtual club
scene of gated social networking site, which are only a handful
at this point and proclaims to have the strictest requirements
of any Social Networking or Gated Community Site on the
Internet. After looking at the application process of both
competitors I could not avoid thinking "what comes next" and
"who are these people so desperate to join these sites offering
thousands of dollars to get an invitation"?
Where it was relatively easy to join the Community Site, just with an invite
by another member, makes it a lot harder,
and trying to discourage potential members even about thinking
to join, with requirements like "You need to have attended a
prestigious university or boarding school" or "You need to be a
member of a Members Only Club". After having fulfilled all the
criteria you will be happy and excited to receive your
membership, join and have the feeling of being "one in a
million" - not so fast - the membership application still need's
to pass the committee! But do not let me discourage you,
specially if your extremely wealthy and well connected!