10 Ways to Move From Manager To Coach

1. Stop thinking of people in your organization as
employees. Think of them as associates. Associates are
people you work in partnership with. Employees are people
you tell what to do.

2. Relate to the whole person.

3. Never walk by someone without acknowledging them. A
smile, a nod, a 'good morning' - these small
acknowledgments go a long way.

4. Don't expect anyone to do anything you're not willing
or able to do. Be a role-model. You don't need to do their
work, but you must be committed to doing your work as
thoroughly and error-free as you expect of others.

5. Don't ever talk about one associate with another.

6. When you do need to give negative feedback, talk about
the behavior, not the person.

7. Respect and acknowledge the contribution that each and
every person brings to the table.

8. Understand that your reports are your number one
customers. How can you help them do their job better?

9. Don't allow anyone to undermine the success of your
operation. If you have a weak link, either turn it around
or get rid of it. Don't tolerate anything but the best
from your associates.

10. Focus on the staff AND the work, not one or the other.
Help the people develop all of their skills. Invest in your
associates for the short and long term.

About the Author

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach
who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their
best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to
accept total support). Find many free resources to assist
you in living the life of your dreams at
http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter
of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best
life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com