What to Tell Your Family Physician

A family physician is a professional able to create caring relationships with patients and their families. They really get know their patients. They listen to them and help them make the right health care decisions.

To accomplish this knowledge, a family physician receive a very special training in all areas of medicine in order to know:

Good communication with your doctor is an important part of your health care. There are five key points to discuss with a doctor on a first visit:

  • Past medical history. Tell you doctor what illnesses you've had, what procedures you've had done, and your hospitalizations.
  • Medications. Bring all your medication containers with you so the doctor can get the correct name and dosage. Remember to mention if you're allergic to any medicines.
  • Family history. Many serious health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, some cancers, hypertension, diabetes and mental illness run in families. Talk to your family members first, to help compile as complete and accurate a family profile as possible.
  • Social history. This includes lifestyle information such as diet, exercise routines, how much your sleep, whether you drink or smoke or take drugs. The doctor may also ask who you live and whether you have pets.

    Information is a powerful weapon. If your family physician is armed that way, s/he can best address your health concerns and keep you healthy.

    Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men http://www.mens-health-events.info/docoffice.php