Sky Pencil Hollies Are Used in Doylestown Pa.

Common Name: 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly Zone: 6 to 9 Height: 6 to 8 Feet Spread: 1 to 2 Feet Habit: Dense, upright columnar shrub. Slow growth rate. Culture: Full sun to part shade. Foliage: Small, 1/2-1" long, lustrous dark green. Evergreen. Flower: Small, greenish white, inconspicuous. Fruit: Black drupe, persistent. This holly is easy to raise. It has a tight form and is used in many applications where a narrow tight dark green evergreen is needed especially around walkways and in tight spots next to buildings. This plant does very well in Pennsylvania and we have sold many to residents of Doylestown Pa. You can see more information about plants at and