One a Penny, Two a Penny, Hot Penny Stocks...
The peddlers of hot penny stocks today peddle their wares much
like the hot cross bun streetsellers of the 19th. Century. They
don't exactly hawk their wares round the shopping malls crying
out "Get your hot penny stocks tips here", but telemarketers and
professional rumor mongers are making sure that you get their
message loud and clear. The message is the same - buy my stock -
it's just the medium that's different. The telephone,
newsletters, the internet and word-of-mouth are the vehicles
used to ensure the message is heard.
The old streetsellers were certainly streetwise; two a penny
buns were seen as bargains to be snapped up before they went
cold. Bought too many? The nursery rhyme offers a solution: "If
your daughters do not like them, give them to your sons". Buy
two a penny hot penny stocks and that's what you are likely to
be doing, too: giving them away because they'll be almost
worthless. Two a penny hot penny stocks sell like hot cakes only
because the hot stock tip comes from unscrupulous promoters
eager to spread the word that the stock is about to go through
the roof. You won't make a killing, but the promoters who pocket
your money will.
Let's pause for a moment and reflect on why anyone would want to
go around circulating these rumors or peddling 'hot penny
stocks' over the 'phone. It just doesn't tally with human nature
nor with the way in which power operates in the real world. Just
think about it: isn't it far more likely that a small number of
self-interested individuals are intent on dumping
over-the-counter stocks onto you? Why, if they had genuine
information on a hot penny stock about to take off, would they
want to share it with you?
It's perhaps a truism to say that knowledge = power = money, but
in the real world it's also true that individuals who wield the
most influence and power, and incidentally tend to make the most
money, operate quietly behind the scenes. That's not to say that
these background figures, who buy and sell stocks over the
counter, necessarily operate "under the counter". Nor is it true
that there's no such thing as a good, informative penny stock
newsletter. However, it does mean that, when being harangued by
a zealous telemarketer to part with your money, you can be sure
that a sinking company and a few unscrupulous individuals are
lurking in the background.
Perhaps, though, you see two a penny stocks as providing a real
opportunity to get in at the bottom and then make a big killing?
Perhaps, when a stock has dropped, you might think that the only
way to go is up? Don't get fooled, though, into buying "bargain"
stocks solely because they cost less than before. They could
continue to sink without trace. As children we must have been
extraordinarily prescient when we added an extra line to the
nursery rhyme and chanted the virtues of four-a-penny bargains:
"If you haven't got a halfpenny, a farthing will do". It won't
do, though, if you're buying hot penny stocks. Don't ever feel
pressured into buying a "bargain" that will almost certainly end
up virtually worthless.
If you still think that you're acting rationally in buying hot
penny stocks then you're behaving exactly as our 21st. century
streetsellers would wish. But, remember, you're not a consumer
buying hot cross buns: you're an investor aiming to make money
by buying and selling hot penny stocks. Buying two-a-penny hot
cross buns might make some sense, but two-a-penny hot penny
stocks can mean buying, but not selling, for the price you want.
Not only selling but buying, too, becomes difficult when stocks
are being traded at very low volumes but, at the same time, are
being flagged up as the next hot penny stocks tip. A
consistently high volume of traded stocks is absolutely
essential, preferably on a daily basis. Average figures might
seem good enough, but can often mask one insider's buying and
selling activities. Lack of trading opportunities precludes any
chance you might have of becoming a rational, educated trader as
you will not develop a "feel" for where the stock is heading.
Learning how to become a rational, educated investor takes time.
There's no easy shortcut to the undoubted profits which exist in
the market. Those individuals who want to reduce the risk of
their hot penny stocks investment must be proactive and
subscribe to a newsletter, research companies, and track
Only when they feel comfortable, and have set themselves a limit
of 20% of their portfolio to invest in hot penny stocks, should
they prepare to do quiet battle with the market and silence the
two-a-penny hot cross bun merchants.