Since the beginning of time, man is already seeking greatness.
Glory, gold and God were three major reasons that fueled a
Colonial World. Greatness is sought after by all people. Fame,
wealth, prestige and many other forms of power are considered
greatness but what does greatness really mean? Here are
realistic, biblical principles to greatness:
1. Greatness is when you do not follow the crowd.
Noah was considered a crazy man when he built the ark. Great
people are often people with intense desires that they stand
above the rest. Gandhi is one of the most influential leaders of
his time, and his greatness can be attributed to his conviction
to have a peaceful means of protest. If he gave in to the
pressures of the crowd and succumbed to their desire for a
violent means of protesting, then history as we know it would be
different. People who think outside the common knowledge of the
crowd, people who think outside the box. They are given the
chance to be great.
2. Greatness is when you offer yourself to the service of others.
Great leaders all throughout history are leaders that are self
sacrificing. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice by giving up
himself to all. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 20 years,
without his sacrifices for South Africa; the world would be
different right now. Bolivar also served his generation. He took
the call to arms, and thus resulting in the birth of a nation,
Bolivia is named after him. Contrary to the crowd