Make Money Opportunity - A Simple Matter Of $1 Million Dollars

Looking for something unique? Something that nobody knows about? You are a shrewd customer aren't you. It takes a certain kind of individual to seek this out and you have found exactly what you are looking for in this just don't know it yet. Oh, I know, the multi level marketing schemes, pyramid scams, chain letters, the opportunities are unlimited aren't they? So much complexity and unnecessary effort to achieve what is essentially a profit for the company that sold you your presentation products. You may have tried them and made a few dollars after 12 months of effort only to be told you are at fault for the weakness of your (fill in the blank, its your fault....couldn't be them or their marketing system or the inferior product in the first place) Or you may not have tried any of these avenues before only because you are just too clever to fall for it. Despite the hype and the RAH RAH sessions, you knew they were trying to "handle" you. You knew the stats on their star seller were made up just to make you believe you really can make $100,000 selling their cosmetics over the phone. But you were too intelligent to even consider it because common sense is a strong capacity of yours and you were brought up to trust that instinct. Let me tell you, your instinct was right. The job of management of these schemes is to "sell" the "sellers" You see its called leverage. The originator realises that he can work hard to peddle his worthless stock that he gets imported from Taiwan for a few cents per unit and sells for a few hundred dollars with replacement follow up calls, which he tells himself is a good living, but he wants to be RICH and he doesn't want to have to work him/her self. So why fish with a single rod, when he can sell others on the virtue of fishing and collect a portion of their catch. (Excuse the metaphor, I couldn't resist the biblical resonance, these guys are fiends) So he enlists managers and trains them how to sell you on making a squillion from peddling these two cent products packaged with a ribbon. You in turn sell them to your extended family and friends and that is the extent of your success. The reason why they are fiends is because they steal your time and feed you unreasonable hopes and dreams. The truth is to be successful you have to do exactly what you are doing right now. Search for authentic knowledge. That is your first port of call on the road to reasonable and rapid wealth. Anybody can make there fortune if they so choose and it has been said that the task of making your first million is similar in effort and discipline and skill to learning how to play a musical instrument or possibly learning to drive a car for the first time. This may sound surprising to you because you probably drive right now and you probably have experience with a musical instrument and you know they are not difficult or impossible tasks. If the above statement is true, why would you not have already done it? You are asking, well, why am I not already living in my dream home if making $1 million dollars is only as difficult as learning to drive a car? The answer is because the authentic knowledge is readily available for both driving a car and learning to play the piano for instance. You can trust the knowledge and know that if you follow these simple instructions you will achieve expected results. The fiends mentioned above had motives that made them rich off of your efforts and time. So its just one example of the many examples of people teaching you how to get rich only to get rich themselves. If there was a 100 page instruction book for learning to operate a vehicle on US carriageways and you read it, would you have the expectation that you could get in the car and begin having experience with this knowledge until you can drive? I expect your answer would be definitely and emphatically yes, you could do that. Its a reasonable expectation. The process is the same with the simple task of making your first million. Trust me its only the first level and not particularly difficult. But you need to discover that yourself. Think back to when you couldn't seemed impossible to co-ordinate the gear shift with the gas and that middle clutch pedal on top of watching your speed and then there's the steering wheel too. For somebody first trying this out, it would seem miraculous to be able to successfully perform these functions adequately. With the help of reliable knowledge in the book and actual practice you learned how in under a month. It may take longer to master the task of making your first million, but the difficulty and skill level is exactly the same. You see, an opportunity to make money, real money is everywhere. You can choose to do it ethically and honestly. This won't hold you back. The skill level required to make your first million is no greater then learning to drive or mastering a musical instrument. You expend literally the same effort and energy to do this but there is the difference of the instruction itself. That's the difference. You have come a long way if you understand this about wealth and money making opportunities. Understand that motives play a big role in your instructors techniques which are really just disguised methods of getting you to make money for them. Its a simple matter of opening your eyes. To your health and rapid success, Martin Thomas(c)