No matter how you look at it, even with fluctuating prices, gas continues to go up. Good for the oil companies, bad for us. But there are things you can do to save money.
People seem to be in a hurry these days and are rushing from point A to point B. If you were to slow down a bit you will save on gas. Lets look at this. If your vehicle gets 12 miles to the gallon and you have a 20-gallon fuel tank, and you travel at 75 miles per hour on the highway, you will be able to go 240 miles. If you were to slow down and travel at 65 miles per hour instead, you could get as much as 15 miles to the gallon. In this case you would be able to go 300 miles! That is an additional 60 miles you are getting just for slowing down a bit. Over a one year, period that can be a significant savings.
A little organization goes a long way. If you have several places you have to go, do them all at once. You can also double up with family, friends or neighbors and combine shopping trips or car pool to work.
Check your tire pressure on a regular basis. Under inflated or over inflated tires can cost you in gas. Also keep your engine tuned up.
Important note; gas prices fluctuate daily. Generally the gas prices are at their cheapest on a Saturday. It slowly goes up from there as the week progresses and peaks on Thursday. As you drive by your gas station on a regular basis take a mental note of the daily prices. If you buy gas when it is at its peak then you let the gas companies know that you are willing to pay these high prices. There is a motivational print called