5 Sure Ways to Market your Website Effectively on the WWW

5 Sure Ways to market your website effectively on the www, by Brian @ RankAdvance
In the hurried world of today, we don't have the luxury of much spare time anymore. This means that we have to either do things faster, make better use of available time, or take a few shortcuts here and there...

Which-ever way you look at it, getting your website noticed and found by your desired target audience, has never been easy, especially if your marketing budget is very small. We have done much research over the years, and found the following 5 Marketing Strategies to be very effective in promoting your website :

1 : Good Quality Content on your Web pages

Good website content will draw many visitors. Search engines thrive on contents, and if your site have good related content, the visitors will come ! The added bonus is that most of these visitors will become regular visitors when your site offers good content. Good original content will also ensure that you don't have to embark on a linking crusade. Other site owners will start to link to your site as it will offer their visitors something worthwhile. Who of us have a few hours available every week just to acquire a few links ? Let your site's good contents do the work for you !

2 : Write Articles related to what your site offers

Come on, you must have good knowledge of at least one topic - especially the trade you are in ! Why not use it to your advantage ? Through years of being involved in a job (s), everyone of us gain specialized knowledge in a specific field (s). Every job becomes a case study in it's own, with all of us encountering different situations over the years. Over a number of years one can give these occurrences a collective name : experience. It differs from person to person, but in the end other people do want to hear about your personal experiences. The more experience you gain, the more of an expert you become in a field. So why not share it ? As with good site contents, writing good articles will help you acquire literally 100's of links to your site. Every article can become a marketer for your website !! If you don't have good writing skills, ask a friend or someone with the right skills to the do it for you. Create a special section on your website where you list all the available articles. Give website owners permission to use your articles on their websites, as long as they provide a link back to your site.

3 : Submit your Articles to relevant Article Resource sites

The next logical step would be to post all your articles to as many as possible article resource sites. Most will accept articles for free, while other might charge a small fee for every submission. Again, if you don't have much advertising revenues, use the free ones. Good sites that will accept your articles for free are :

- Article City

- Go Articles

We cannot over-emphasize the importance of articles as a powerful website marketing tool ! Writing articles will be time well spend. As with posting articles to your website, posting articles to a resource site could literally acquire 100's, sometime 1000's of links to your site.

4 : Join Search Engine & other Specialized Discussion Groups

This can be a fun way to market your website and products. Be careful though not to spam the group you participate in. You will be expelled very quickly. On the other hand, when you provide good input in discussions, your fellow groupers will not mind a bit of marketing for your website. The good thing of a discussion group is that it helps to gain you Credibility ! And credibility is what sells on the internet. People buy from someone they feel they can trust, period. Like with writing articles, join a discussion group relevant to your field of expertise, site and products / service you sell. People will start to notice and remember your name. As with articles, you could be recognized as an expert !

5 : Offer Free Stuff, eg. E-books, Bonuses, etc.

People love to get stuff for free, and the very sight of the word FREE makes people excited. You can use this tool to very good advantage. Be careful though not to deceive visitors to your website. As with articles, an e-Book can be a fantastic marketing tool for your website. Yes, it will take a bit of your time in the beginning, but the return on your time invested in writing / creating an e-Book can be enormous. Be sure to offer some useful advice, tips, etc. in your e-Book, preferably something fresh & new. Don't bore people with the same info found in 100's of related e-Books ! A top 10 e-Book can be the most powerful marketing tool of them all. People are curious, and if you offer them very good & fresh content, they will be more than likely to purchase a 2nd e-Book from you. Keep on writing ...

There you have it - 5 very powerful tools with which to promote your site & products. Used correctly you will thrive on the www.

About the Author

Brian is a feelance writer, website marketing expert and webmaster of 3 websites, including Rank Advance :