Top 5 Characteristics of Good Leadership to Instill in Our Home School Children

I am sure that this list can be jogged and added and taken away or all of the above, after being in the presence of several true leaders these are the ones that stuck out in my mind. Our home schooled children can be given a greater chance to make a diference in the world if the are leaders in mind, instead of following others blindly. I made it simple on purpose to give home school parents a chance to incorporate some of these attributes in their curriculum and then we can all live in a better world. - each one teach one -

1. Humility -

Humility is knowing your ability and limitations especially the correct measuring of ones own worth and value. I'm looking at the humility of Christ where it was felt as an unseen power, not leaders who won't go out of their front door to lead.

2. Strength of character (will) -

The Moral qualities of a leader; the principles and motives that control the life of a leader to make the right choices. If you teach your home schooled children to make the right choices that will propel them to the fore front of a lot of people who are making the worng choices.

3. Determination -

"Fortitude (determination) is the guard and support of the other virtues. " Locke

Given the above wisdom we can realize that determination is growing in our home schooled children the attribute to never give up, never surrender.

4. Ability to give credit to others -

Most of Christ's ministry was giving thanks to the Father, or giving all praises to the Father, or hallowing (make or respect as holy) his holy name. Our home schooled children should be taught the ability or rcognize the good in each other and be thankful.

5. Willingness to accept blame -

I refer to this attribute as the 'take up my cross and walk' trait, when your wrong admit it and take it. When you let down your team, raise your hand and accept responsibility so the rest of the members are relieved. Our home schooled children must not be taught to point fingers at anyone but themselves.

EzineArticles Expert Author Daviyd Peterson

Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer Helps african american and minority homeschools bridge the digital divide by becoming computer homeschools. Free article on "Computer Homeschooling" and other related articles