Senior High Home Schooling: Help - My Child is Smarter than Me!
Senior High Home Schooling: Help - my child is smarter than me!
Yikes! My child is a genius and smarter than me! It's a scary
thought, isn't it? But remember to stop and congratulate
yourself and your child - be proud of the great job that you've
done so far. A great resource for your 'genious' is to tap into
the online home schooling resources. There are curriculums that
can be purchased and completed online. Some will provide
textbooks as well as standard home schooling products. Another
option is to take classes that can be held in a virtual
classroom, students can use a web cam to participate or they can
simply use lecture based courses online. The online options for
your student are endless. For starters, just do a Google search
for 'home school high school' and see all the information that
comes up. Also, many cities have parent co-ops to help share
resources. Check with your local library to see where and when
your local home schooling group meets. Sharing books and
resources with other parents is an excellent, low cost option.
Should you stop home schooling and consider public or private
school instead? Many parents feel that during the high school
years, education at home is too difficult and find it hard to
challenge their child. They consider sending their child to
public high school. But, this can be a difficult and troublesome
transition for your 'brainy' teenager. The environment in a
public high school can be anything but stimulating to an
advanced student or even inviting to a child who has been home
schooled up until now. A private school may be better, but still
may not tailor their curiculum to the advanced student not to
mention the expense of high tuition. There are still the
problems with your child being 'the new kid' at school. New
friends, new teachers, new expectations are all anxiety
producing for your child.
What other options are there? If you feel over-whelmed about
home schooling your senior high school student and don't want to
consider public or private high school - what else can you do?
Consider your network of fellow parents who home school. What
are you best at? What are their strengths? There may be a way to
trade skills with other parents. A parent who has skills and
interests in high school educating may be willing to teach your
child along with their child in trade for you teaching one of
their children who is younger. The double bonus here is added
socialization for both high school students.
College Post Secondary Option Another resource for your
'advanced' high school student is the post secondary option at
your local college or junior college. This has great advantages
for both you and your child. Your child won't be branded as 'the
new kid' - everyone at college is new. Many times you aren't
required to pay college tuition for the classes that your child
takes. Your child receives high school credit and enjoys the
socialization and mental stimulation that advanced classes can
bring. It's a great option for both of you!
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