Cash Back
How good would it feel if every time you spent money you got
some back? Well that's what most credit card companies are
offering you at the moment, as the big credit card company's
battle out the customers can only benefit, most credit card
companies offer an incentive when you open an account, including
0% on balances and purchases for the first 6 or 9 months, which
is great but know they are offering Cash Back.
Cash Back works by offering customers money back (typical rate
of 0.5% -1%) every time they make a purchase using their credit
card, this money is usually put into your account at the end of
every month, how good will that make you feel knowing every time
you bring your plastic friend out he is making you money.
There are some great offers by credit card companies including
American Express Blue Credit Card, they have a great
introductory offer of 2% cash back for the first three months,
then the rate reduces to 1% this is a great offer from American
Express, you could really cash in with this offer. A typical
example with American Express Blue credit card, say you spend