Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski
Bipolar disorder, once known as manic depression, is an illness
where the sufferer alternatively experiences both extreme joy
and terrible desolation. Medication and therapy are generally
used to stabilize the condition.
Sufferers are often detached, introverted, and emotionally
sensitive even though during the manic phase their behaviour
takes on a very extroverted form. In some cases the condition
may have a fanatical or religious element.
This is a severe mental disturbance and an affective psychosis.
It is sometimes referred as bipolar disorder psychosis.
Sometimes a sufferer tries to hide emotions such as anxiety or
shyness and, in so doing, he or she becomes carried away with
their feelings.
Bipolar disorder does not appear to be caused by stress itself
but can be affected by outside tensions or abnormal attitudes in
their upbringing. It is thought that these things may stimulate
the area of the brain which produces chemicals, thus creating
the mood swings experienced in bipolar disorder.
The cause of bipolar disorder remains inconclusive but it is
thought that a deficiency in the hormonal means that regulate
the balance of emotions may be a contributing factor. The brain
produces two chemicals that regulate mood and these are
serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin, if insufficient, may
cause general mood instabilities. Norepinephrine, if in low
supply, can cause depression. If it is excessive, it can produce
There are two forms of mania associated with bipolar disorder.
These are hypomania and hypermania. Hypomania is the form of
mania when it is not excessive and hypermania refers to the
mania when it is very extreme - when the patient is in a highly
frantic and euphoric state. Usually, when a patient is in a
manic state, they talk excessively and at high speed. They flit
from one subject to another and become very easily distracted.
In extreme cases, the patient may experience delusions and
hallucinations or act violently. They may also become confused
and disoriented.
As well as manic periods, the patient may go into a severe
depressive state. This is characterized by fatigue, despondency,
and extreme sadness. When the depression is at its most severe,
the patient may become silent and motionless. One of the real
risks during this stage is that of suicide.
Manic and depressive moods often arise without warning and last
for some time- even weeks or months if no treatment is given.
Living with someone in either the manic or depressive stage is
not easy although they are usually not dangerous to others.
However, they may become a danger to themselves if not treated.
Conventional drug therapy for bipolar disorder is generally used
to help with both the depression and the manic episodes.
Tricyclic antidepressants control the depressive states and
sedatives and tranquilizers control the manic occurrences.
Lithium carbonate is commonly used as it stabilizes both of the
mood swings.
Bipolar disorder is still very much a mystery but people who
suffer from the disease have learned to recognize the early
signs of mood swings. This helps them to cope by taking the
necessary medication or other actions. This helps them to lead
relatively normal lives.