Depression - Sexual Urges Rejected
Each and every one of us has had our fair share of ups and downs
in life. Trivial little things can trigger off emotional upsets
but it is how we cope with the cause behind those stressful
moments that matter. Ups and downs do not last forever because
after the (Down the only way is Up).
How do you compare depression against that of ups and downs is
there any similarities? Yes. Ups and downs are just that, where
as depression has its ups and downs in a way that it turns your
whole world Upside Down.
Depression is a psychological problem and depending on how
serious the symptoms medical attention maybe necessary. Clinical
depression can damage your health where lack of sleep is a main
factor for chronic fatigue settling in. Bouts of depression can
have devastating affects on a patient trying to lead a normal
life due to different mood swings which interfere with their
normal daily activities. Those feelings can be of
sadness/loneliness and dysphoria. The lack of concentration is a
major holdback for a person suffering from depression especially
when decision making is involved.
Behaviour in sufferers with depression can dramatically change
causing major havoc to their daily way of thinking or doing.
Common occurring mood swings can consist of uncontrollable anger
outbursts or anti social emotions. Social withdrawal can lead to
loneliness where living like a recluse is the only option to
deal with the depression. This is not the solution.
Sexual urges that were once placed high up on your daily list of
pleasurable thoughts can be reduced to a level of near non
existence therefore this can cause your partner to feel rejected
(Not in all cases) Medication is there for the taking, help is
there for the taking, so why not take it. It may not cure but it
certainly helps combat stress and anxiety. Awareness of just how
serious depression can be if it reaches a certain level has to
be addressed immediately. Check out how this disorder has or is
still destroying lives. With the right treatment and medication
you can still hold onto life.
Due to the similarity of symptoms to ups and downs and
depression has led to a lot of heartache. Sadly to say life was
not worth living for some whose ups and downs turned out to be
depression which scaled to a height as high UP like that of a
mountain and then to come DOWN to earth with a bump where they
are to sleep forever.
It is our own depressed state of mind that hampers our efforts
in finding the true cause and cure.
We pill pop to take away the pain, why? We turn a deaf ear to
advice. Why? Instead of looking for the answer to how it all
started we intend to deal with the pain that comes with
depression why? Because like I said it is our own depressed
state of mind that hampers our efforts in finding the true cause
and cure.
Not sure if you are coming or going thats fine we all get into a
state where we get flustered and do silly things but the
silliest thing you could ever do is ignore the comings and
goings of your ups and downs because it just maybe the start of
depression so please talk to your doctor.