Tips For Avoiding Back Pain While Golfing

Most golfers will at some time or another experience back pain due to playing. For many golfers this could be a one-time thing. They make a swing and some muscle takes it wrong and the result is a painful back for a day or so. But for other golfers back pain becomes a routine and if it gets bad enough they stop playing altogether. Here are some tips that can help you avoid back pain: Make sure your equipment fits you. If you're a six-foot tall player and you are using clubs that were designed for a five-foot player, you are going to have back problems. The reason is simple and obvious. You have to adjust your body too much to get into the proper stance and grip with the smaller clubs. The same holds true in reverse. If you'rea a small person and you're using clubs designed for someone much taller, you, too, will have to contort your body just to get a swing out of yourself. So, make sure your clubs are sized for your size. It is always a good idea to begin and end your game with some quality stretches. These should be designed to stretch all of your muscles but especially those trunck muscles. Men are considered stronger than women, but women are considered more flexible than men. Even so, women should also do a set of stretching before they tee off. If you are older or if you have some arthritis in your hands, consider buying grips made especially for those with hand muscle problems. You may have to do some shopping to find them, but it's worth the effort. Every third or fourth hole, take a few practice swings with your opposite hand. This will help keep your muscles balanced and fluid. Often overlooked is hydration. Make sure you drink lots of water during your play. This is even more important on those hot days. Keeping your body hydrated will go a long way in reducing pain both during and after your game. If you still have pain, visit a doctor and see if there is something else going on with your muscles.