The New Revival Of Interest In Cigars
Staring in the mid 1990's a number of cultural phenomena caused
an explosion of the popularity of cigars in the United States.
Lavish dinner events were being held in nearly every
consequential metropolitan area in the United States. Attendees
included celebrities, radio and talk show hosts, politicians,
and even a surprisingly large number of women! As we moved into
the 21st century the love of cigars has continued to grow more
popular and high profile people like Arnold Schwarzenegger,
actor turned governor of California have helped to enhance the
This enormous increase in demand for cigars has its downside in
the fact that it has been difficult to provide the supply
needed. This situation has really awakened people to how
significant President Kennedy's ban of Cuban Cigars with the
trade embargo he signed in 1962, before many of today's cigar
aficionados were born really is. Incidentally, President Kennedy
made sure that he was delivered 1,000 fine Cuban cigars before
he signed the executive order authorizing the embargo.
As usual with issues of supply and demand, this created a huge
price gouging issue with many cigar retailers, most of which
were new establishments looking to take advantage of the
skyrocketing interest in cigars. These sellers were virtually
naming their price on any and every type of cigar and getting
it. A lot of these cigar dealers were even refusing to allow a
customer to buy an entire box so that they could have them on
hand for other clients.
In the rush to try to meet the demand, the quality of many
premium cigars suffered for brief periods of time. Eventually,
consumer demand was so far ahead of supply that many of those
who had begun smoking fine cigars had to cease the practice
altogether. For many, this was mainly due to either lack of
supply or outrageous prices. For others, the newness of the fad
had simply worn off. As of today, cigar prices have returned to
acceptable levels, and supply of the best brands is abundant for
those who continue to enjoy cigar smoking, even in the face of
public scrutiny and disapproval.