How Tobacco Leaves Are Harvested And Prepared For Cigar Making
The process of preparing tobacco leaves for cigar making is a
long and intricate one. First the leaves are harvested, then
aged with a process using a combination of heat and shade to
lower the amount of sugar and water in the leaves without
causing the large leaves to rot. This primary process, called
curing takes from 24-45 days depending upon the climatic
conditions and the construction of the barns used to store the
harvested tobacco.
Some aspects of the curing process are manipulated based on the
type of tobacco being cured and the desired color of the leaf.
The secondary process which is called fermentation is continued
under conditions which allow the leaf to die slowly while
controlling the temperature and humidity to ensure that the leaf
continues fermenting without rotting or disintegrating. It is
during this process where the flavor, burning, and aroma of the
leaf are developed.
Once the leaves have been allowed to age properly, they are then
sorted to be used as filler or wrapper depending upon their
overall quality and appearance. The leaves are continually
moistened and handled carefully during this process to be sure
that each leaf is used for its best purpose according to its
individual qualities. The leaf will be baled, inspected,
unbaled, reinspected, and baled again over and over as the aging
cycle continues. When the leaf has reached the maturity desired
by the manufacturer it is then used in the production of a
cigar. Just as in the beginning, a quality cigar is still
created by hand. Incredibly, an experienced cigar roller can
make hundreds of quality, nearly identical cigars per day. These
rollers keep the tobacco moist and use specially designed
crescent-shaped knives used to form the filler and wrapper
leaves quickly and accurately. After being rolled the cigars are
stored in wooden forms as they are allowed to dry and the
uncapped ends cut to a uniform size. At this point, the cigar is
a completed product that can be kept indefinitely under proper
conditions. Cigars have been known to last for decades when kept
at close to 70 degrees and 70% humidity.
Some premium brand cigars use different varieties of tobacco
for the filler and the wrapper. "Long filler cigars" are a much
higher quality of cigar, using long leaves throughout. These
cigars also use a third variety of tobacco leaf, a "binder",
between the filler and the outer wrapper. This permits the
makers to use more delicate and attractive leaves as a wrapper.
These high-quality cigars almost always blend varieties of
tobacco. Even Cuban long-filler cigars will combine tobaccos
from different parts of the island to incorporate several
different flavors.