HomeHammer Improve Your Business Lesson 6: Using Reciprocal
Links To Increase Your Traffic
We appreciate your interest in Homehammer.com home improvement
network. Staying with this course will help you build your home
improvement business and watch your profits rise.
HomeHammer helps average people connect with home improvement
professionals like realtors, general contractors, plumbers,
framers, and electricians quickly and easily. This course helps
us help you. We can help you find customers, create business,
and improve yourself as a business person so our customers will
have an excellent network of service providers to choose from.
Lesson 6: How To Create Reciprocal Links On Your Site Reciprocal
links are an essential part to the promotion of your website.
You have a strong site that offers your quality product and you
want people to know about your site. To make sure that you get
the traffic you need, you must have other sites directed toward
yours with links.
This process is fairly simply, but there are many ways to engage
in reciprocal linking.