12 Gas Savings Tips Anyone Can Use

With the Price of Gas Soaring to new levels almost daily it pays to learn how to save gas and money. Here are some gas saving and money saving tips you can use right now.

1 - Combine Errands

When you go out try and do all your errands at one time. If you need to go to pick your child up at school, the bank, the drug store and the grocery store plan your day so you do all your trips at once. Can you buy stamps at the grocery store instead of going to the post office also?

2 - Plan your Route

If at all possible plan your trips so you don't back track. Go to the furthermost destination first and work your way back home. If you need to go the bank, the drug store or any other errand can yon combine them with your trips to or from work.

3 - Car Pool

Car pools save gas and money. Many people think of car pools for work only. How's about car pools for soccer moms, School, errands.

4 - Public Transportation

Take the bus or train even if it's only one or 2 days a week

5 - Foot Power

Rather then take your car, take a walk. Walking is great a great way to save gas and help your heart. Walk to the grocery store, the Post office or drug store. If something is a mile or less from your home or work consider walking.

6 - More Foot Power

For longer errands up to 5 Miles use a bicycle. Many people even bicycle to work

7 - Work at Home

Many companies will now allow you to work from home 1 or more days a week,

8 - Check your Pressure

Check your tire pressure often. Properly inflated tires save gas

9 - Tune Up

Keep your car tuned up. A well tuned car will save gas

10 - Gas Grade

Many cars will run just fine on the lower grade of gas. Try it you may be pleasantly surprised.

11 - The Right Ride

If you are a multi car family consider taking the economy model on the longer trips and using that SUV for shorter trips or family outings only.

12 - Gas Rebate Cards

This won't save gas but it will save you money on gas. Many credit cards will give you rebates of 1 Percent to 6 Percent of your gas purchase.

Mike Makler - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

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