A Look At Cigar Flavors
The rich and diverse flavors available in cigars are the main
reason that virtually all cigar aficionados enjoy smoking them
even though some have nothing to do with these connoisseur like
properties because of other factors. For the cigar lovers who
are into taste, much like wine connoisseurs each different brand
and type of cigar contains varied qualities in taste. In
general, the lighter the outer wrapper of the cigar the milder
the flavor while those with darker wrappers tend to be much
richer in flavor.
Cigars, unlike cigarettes do not have a smoky taste and usually
taste much more of the type of tobacco that the cigar is
comprised of with mild overtones of other tastes. The very fine
cigars, particularly those of Cuban origin before 1990 have
almost no taste of smoke at all.
Some of the more common flavors one may encounter while smoking
a cigar include:
Leather Spice Cocoa / chocolate Peat / moss / earth Coffee Nut
Apple Vanilla Honey
The most passionate enjoyers of cigar aficionados will sometimes
keep personal journals of cigars they've enjoyed complete with
personal ratings, description of flavors observed, sizes,
brands, etc. As mentioned previously, the qualities and
characteristics of cigar tasting are very similar to those of
wine, Scotch, beer, cognacs and tequila. Within a given
specification, there are endless varieties. This dynamic is part
of the appeal to which cigar smokers are continually drawn.