Junk Websites Pretending to be Informational

If you do any Internet surfing at all, use the Internet like a library for research or simply occasionally search topics of interest on any of the major search engines, then no doubt you have come to junk websites which trick you into thinking you are going to a legitimate website that has worthy information. Often these junk websites have a small bit of information on them and a whole lot of advertising on them; some relevant but most is totally irrelevant. This ruins the online experience for users.

I cannot imagine anyone just putting up endless sites, copying formats of everyone else, putting up junk and calling that their income, yet I see it every day as do all Internet surfers and researchers. I have seen folks writing articles and ebooks telling them how to put up a quick cheesy websites and wait for their Google checks in the mail. It seems everyone wants something for nothing and these folks who tell others how to manipulate the system are ruining the Internet tool, which is so very valuable to our civilization. If everyone puts up these junk sites then it will add to the size of the Internet in number of pages and indeed to Google