The Search For Love

One of the most worthy pursuits we can embark on is the quest for true love. Not just temptation, or a companion on dark, cold nights, but a true soul mate; a twin flame, who will mirror our own soul. One who was created in the likeness of our self, and perfectly complements us in every way.

To know our twin flame is to really first understand ourselves. If we are hiding in the shadows, unable or unwilling to let our spirit sing, we will be unable to recognize a true soul connection when it happens. Alas, our sorrowful heart drifts rudderless in the turbulent seas of our life.

Everyone wants to be in Love and have companionship. It seems ingrained in our beings to search for the one who captivates us heart and soul. But mostly I find, people are willing to settle for less than what they truly desire. This, of course, only leads to heartbreaks.

As I look at my own life, I see such similarities to the above. My desire for companionship has outweighed my search for a true, soulful love. And as I knew my time with a relationships was over, I have hung on for the pure sake of companionship; not love. We often get comfortable with less than a love situation, because to break away means being alone once again.

I have learned to embrace this alone time; to reflect on the time and lessons learned. I believe we are sent many romantic partners to teach us how to live and love, before our true twin flame will emerge. Both you and your perfect match is on the same path of purity and truth, learning with every situation and relationship experienced. You must take these lessons and really reflect and learn from them.

I have contemplated my past few relations and have found a pattern. Each was just what I needed at the time. Each brought to me the one missing ingredient for me to evolve further in my live. Each has shown personality and characteristics of what I truly am searching for. As I ponder this truth, and take all the good qualities from each experience, I draw closer to who I am looking for. And, I find the women crossings my path are more appealing and stimulating than ever before.

However I do not go into each situation looking for a romantic connection, quite the opposite. I seek only the experience of meeting a new like-minded soul, without expectation. I seek to mold the reality of my twin flame and manifest her into my life. We can only bring onto us what we can think of. So if you have less than perfect expectations, or no idea what you want in life, how can the universe answer you?

My last encounter was a tremendous learning experience for both of us. While on vacation in Florida, I met an amazing woman. She radiated with light, creativity and power. Physically beautiful and with an ageless wisdom within her, I saw an image of perfection. Within her eyes I saw the depths of the universe, and the cosmos welcoming us. I, we, could have hastily started a relationship, which I