Increase Your Monthly Online Profits Using This Simple Proven
Welcome one and all. Whether you're a seasoned campaigner or a
new internet marketer, I trust you'll benefit from what I'm
about to share with you.
Imagine being given the key to Aladdin's cave - yours to keep
and do with as you please. Now imagine the possibilities.
They're endless! Riches beyond your wildest dreams to live the
ultimate lifestyle, being able to help loved ones, the community
you live in - you decide. How good would this feel to be able to
help others? Imagine waking up each morning knowing you'll never
have a financial problem ever again ...
It's good to dream isn't it? Now, what if you could turn this
dream into reality? Surely anything is possible if you truly
desire changes to your current circumstances. I firmly believe
this. Your mind is truly amazing and incredibly powerful. Isn't
this one of the main reasons for starting (or wanting to start)
your own business? To provide the fortune and lifestyle of
choice. I say thank goodness for the internet and for the
business known as "Internet Marketing". What other business
allows you to work from virtually anywhere, anytime, with little
start up costs and potentially huge returns? I'm not saying it's
easy or that everyone can expect the same incredible results.
What I mean is the internet offers the opportunity for success
in ways a traditional business does not.
Like many of you reading this article, I too have tried many
different business and investment ventures. To date my success
has been mixed, yet I'm determined to succeed. And in the not
too distant future I'm confident of being able to supercharge my
online profits by creating a 24x7, 365 day per year cash
machine. How you ask? Well quite simply, with step by step help
from an "internet guru", a business mentor who has been there
done that! More importantly this "guru" is still doing it today
and willing to share his knowledge and experience with those
eager to learn. So why would you (or me for that matter) spend
most of your life working a dead end job or perhaps running a
traditional business? Who needs long hours, high stress levels,
and poor financial gains?
So imagine my excitement at finding this "business success
mentor" who is there to help me (and others) every step of the
way ... to achieving financial and lifestyle success. For me
it's like having the key to Aladdin's Cave. You too can benefit
financially from knowing and applying the tips, tricks and
techniques found at this fantastic website. Do you know the
number one golden rule for online success? It's the foundation
for running a successful business. So whether you're an internet
newbie, seasoned online professional or just looking for
strategies to improve your online success, take action now to
include this must have technique in your bag of online tricks ...
***** Golden Rule #1:
Capture the email address of ALL your website visitors for your
future profit.
Simple isn't it? Yet I'm surprised how many websites I visit
that don't even bother to apply this golden rule. Often, as
research shows, it can take at least seven (7) communications
with your prospects (or existing customers) before they buy from
you. Sure, people buy on impulse but there are no guarantees
with this method. It really is a hit and miss strategy. Think
about it. Really, you've done all the necessary hard work -
found the ideal product or service; created your website; you've
managed to attract prospects to your website yet profits still
seem to be down or non existant. Why?
So how can you increase your strike rate and increase your
profits? You want to sell your product(s) and/or service to more
visitors - but how you ask? Firstly, by applying Golden Rule #1.
Then you follow up prospects with structured communications at
regular intervals (whilst not being too pushy), winning over
their trust by providing valuable information, either by
offering FREE ebooks, videos or ecourses. Failure to capture a
visitor's email address is surely a recipe for disaster. A
prospect / customer email address is your Aladdins Cave. It
needs to be managed and nurtured so that it will grow and
continue day after day to bring you treasures. Seriously, by not
doing this you are giving away potential profits to your
Take action now to ensure you apply Golden Rule #1 on your
website. I know I will be. The mechanics of doing this are quite
simple. Get the knowledge and the step by step how to do it,
then you're in business. Then you're ready for Golden Rule #2.
Thankyou, good luck and here's to your success!
Ashley McCracken