Internet Marketing: The "Simple" Part
Researching home based business opportunities on the internet?
Fasten your safety belt and stock up on the Dramamine--better
yet get a helmet and a NASCAR crash suit too, because it's a
wild ride and you're likely to spin out or hit the wall more
than once. In the world of Too Good to be True, online
moneymaking opportunities have got to be the big dog on the
street these days. "Bigger than television advertising?", you
ask. In a sense, yes, because online you are more pro-actively
and interactively engaged in seeking solutions. Yeah, the couch
potato with his remote finally dons cape and tights and heads
for cyberspace seeking truth, justice and the American Way!!.
I started off opting into a couple multilevel marketing
opportunities, you know, vitamins and that sort of stuff. This
wasn't totally foreign to me, having been involved
(unsuccessfully) with MLM a number of years ago. Like many
people, I'm interested in ways to supplement my diet and
maintain good health. The added element of earning extra income
is also appealing-- and why wouldn't it be? However, discovering
that most of your family and friends, "warm market", just don't
share your excitement, the business aspect ends up in a carton
downstairs, under the Christmas decorations.
The idea of marketing on the internet is what drew (sucked?) me
back into another attempt at MLM or "network marketing", as some
now prefer calling it. The industry was ready for me too, with
team replicated websites, backoffices, promo materials for
order, e-mail autoresponders, online conference rooms, you name
it. And all I had to do was "simply send people to my
website..." and everything would roll along from there. Sounded
good to me. So, after setting up everything, including getting a
healthy supply of nutritional supplements AND an autoship
account for monthly re-stocks, I once again found myself facing
my warm market-- only this time it was, "Hey, check out my cool
website!", followed by, "hmm...who else is gonna check out my
website?" Well, my spiffy back office also included a link to a
source for pre-qualified sales leads which I could purchase in
bulk, at quantity pricing of a mere few bucks per lead. I should
expect to get 10 interested prospect "sign-ups" out of every 100
leads--after all, "Remember, it's a numbers game Sparky".
My team training also heavily promoted meeting people everyday
and having weekly meetings in my home, where everyone would
watch a DVD introducing our revolutionary new product and
compensation plan. Now, I happen to live in a rural area with a
very wired Chihuahua (actually it's my wife's). Yeah, I know,
that's my problem, so what? But as you may well imagine, I
wasn't terribly excited about roaming the neighboring towns,
dropping cards and inviting people to my humble "out in the
boonies" abode for a special DVD presentation, including
additional background soundtrack provided by "Pancho Psycho",
barricaded in the bedroom, shredding up the carpet.
That's when I decided to go back online and surf my way to the
answers--in cape and tights, of course. The number of "How to"
websites, capture pages and sales letters on the web, dealing
with making money online is simply mind boggling. It becomes
Kryptonite after awhile. I went through such a mind numbing
number of sites, it nearly put me in a carton downstairs under
the Christmas decorations-- OR to quote Chris Farley as my
favorite motivational speaker, Matt Foley, "...IN A VAN, DOWN BY
THE RIVER!!!". But interestingly enough, after awhile, one also
realizes there isn't actually a lot of different information out
there; just a lot of different people duplicating similar stuff
in very similar formats, often with just enough variation to
make it "their stuff"-- and mostly dealing with how to sell an
information product which reveals how to sell an information
product, etc., ad infinitum. Not exactly a unique new thing
here. It gets kinda like Rap music or fast food chains after
awhile. I was getting supersized, yet still starved for real
Another key that I (Mr. Thick and Na