Sell The Wife!

How to close a deal?

Are you involved in the marketing/sales industry?

How much deal that you already close?

Do you know that there is a few tips that we almost forgot to use?

I will share with you on this problem.

As a start, I want to ask you... do you know that the first time you show yourself to the customer, definitely you are a bad guy for them? Trust me, this happened to anyone for the salesperson even they have a good looking or good personality. So, don't wait too long to solve this. Now, let me tell you the way to change that "bad" assumption ... allright?


Create the COMMON BOND as quick as you can. Make them as your "friend" or your "family". It is because people will start talking to you if they like you. And at this time... you must make your customers to feel SAFE. If they feel SAFE with you, they will trust you.


Don't try to sell if you want them buy your service/merchandise. Bear this in your mind. People will not BUY if we ask them to BUY. So, how to solve this BIG problem? Anyway, I'm still wanna share with you the "IMPORTANT" tip to solve this problem.

But how?

It's gonna be like this... "Try to put the "VALUE" on your service or merchandise". Don't push them to buy but, make them "SOLD" to your product and make them feel that "There is no time for me anymore to think about I'll buy from you..."

See, if you can put the "VALUE" to your service/merchandise... at the end of the day, PRICE will not be a big problem. This skill you have to study. This site also can help you.


Sell the WIFE........!! Sell the WIFE.......!! Sell the WIFE.......!! Then, sell the HUSBAND! (marriage).

Look carefully what I'm mentioned above. And take note at the selling pitch RATIO between the wife and the husband. It's so important to know this.

I already practised this skill until now, and it's worth it. In this learning method, 90% of the deals come from here. Make sure you talk a little bit more to the wife rather than her husband along the presentation.

Because at the end of the day, if the wife "SOLD" with your presentation, automatically she will ask her "MAN/husband" to buy it for her. You know... man will do anything for women. But, if the opposite scenario happened... the husband will say NO...!

You must CLOSE THE DEAL...!!

Bear in mind one more time, 90% of the household expenses/budget are controlled by the women/wife.

So.... Sell the WIFE...!! Sell the WIFE....!! Sell the WIFE....!! Later.. sell the HUSBAND....

The author is the owner of the and the His name is Mr Ombak.

Now, the author more concentrate on his new project and it's still in progress. The author will inform to the public about his new project within 2 week from today. He will tell the public about his own experience about adsense from the 1st; that is 3 months ago. So, don't forget to bookmark his blog (