Best Ways to Promote Your Website for FREE!

So you just built your prize website. You put weeks of work into
making the best site possible. Everything is perfect.

So, you wonder, why is nobody coming to my site. The answer is
simple: You Must Promote!! Promote everyday and then promote
some more.

There are many ways to promote your website that will cost you
nothing. Here are some of the best ways that I have found.

*Link Exchanges

Set up a link exchange page and find sites that are complimentary
to yours. Email the webmaster and explain why you want a link
exchange. Tell them a little about your site and invite them to
take a look. Be selective about which sites you put your link
on. More often than not, the webmaster will exchange links.

You can also get on some link exchange email lists:

*Message Boards

Get involved in message boards. Don