Stop Being a Pathetic Loser and Start Making Millions like I do.

Don't Waste My Time... Lets get something straight. I am a jerk. I am obnoxious. I am lazy. And I don't care, because I am FILTHY RICH. I am much too important to even be sitting here writing this right now. So I'll keep it short. I make several million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing. Heard that before? Well you can see proof of my earnings here when you vist my site. Have you seen proof like that anywhere else? Didn't think so. Do you make that much money? Didn't think so. I'm the real deal. Whether you like it or not, you want to be rich like me, otherwise you wouldn't be here. And since you are here, I'm sure you already know that there are thousands of "get rich quick" programs on the internet today. You've probably even bought some of them yourself. Well, are you impressed with them? I'm not. Not even close. What proof do these losers have of their earnings? That they make a few thousand dollars a month? Big deal. I make millions. And I barely even do anything to earn it. It's so automatic it would make you sick. So Who the Hell am I? I'm the guy you see driving down the street in a Ferrari with the top down, and you think to yourself, "What an ass!" And you know what? You're right. But so what? Do you think I really value your opinion? I'm a rich jerk, so I couldn't care less. I cut through the BS. If you find me offensive, obnoxious, or whatever....feel free to leave my website at anytime. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to show you EXACTLY how I make millions. It's no secret that I'm selling something here. And when you see what I'm offering, you will be blown away. Right about now, I feel a rant coming on about the "major" marketing gurus (you know, the big name guys) you see all over the internet and TV. The ONLY way these people make any money is by selling their overpriced books and CD's full of mainstream marketing ideas that you can learn from any marketing book in the world. That's it. These people are CORPORATIONS. They are not trying to help you. They have no "secrets". It's the same information over and over again, repackaged differently by new "authors" every year. These guys send you books and binders with over 1,000 pages. They send you DVD's and audio tapes with another 10 hours of material to review. No thanks. I don't know about you but I'm lazy. I want definitive answers without all of the BS and filler. I want "here is how to make money", and that's it. The mere thought of reading 1,000 pages of marketing mumbo jumbo turns my stomach. Honestly, do you think these people are going to tell you anything useful? Unless you are a complete idiot, you're going to get the SAME info you already know. We all know you need a website. I don't need an 87 minute DVD to tell me that, or a 100 page chapter in a book. We all know it's important to get people to visit your website. I don't need another 120 minute audio tape and a 278 page supplemental guide to tell me that. The bottom line is that having thousands of pages, and dozens of hours of video and audio tapes doesn't make a product worthwhile. Unlike these idiots selling their latest money making "programs", I'm not even going to tell you my name, because I don't crave attention like they do. Those guys dream of doing seminars, appearances, interviews, etc. I don't do any of that crap. They want to be famous to make mommy & daddy proud, or so that the people who picked on them in high school will be jealous. Who cares? I don't want to be famous. I make millions anonymously, and I like it that way. And I do it in only a few hours per week. And you know what? None of the income I showed you earlier is even from the website you are on right now. I've got money coming in from dozens of websites about things you wouldn't even think of. Visit this website today by clicking the link below and make your dream come true. Thanks.