Let Me Help You Make More Money
Money - whether it's in the form of increased revenue or
decreased expenses - is what makes the business world go 'round.
Save someone time and you've decreased their expenses. Increase
the reach of their message and you've increased their revenue.
Either way, you've helped them make more money.
Making more money requires a single sentence, and there - in the
title of this article - I just helped you make more money. that
was it.
Did you miss it? I'll say it again: "Let me help you make more
money." If you can honestly say that to your B2B customers,
you'll be rich in no time. It's guaranteed.
Stop thinking about yourself. Don't worry about your own needs.
Yes, I know that's difficult, but having a focus on helping your
customer make more money is the surest approach to wealth.
Bill Gates (the richest man in the known universe) didn't say
"Buy Windows software so that I can be rich." he said "Buy
Windows software so that your corporate productivity goes up."
Buyers beat a path to the door of the new company he named
Microsoft. He offered the most cost effective solution available
in the market.
He found a need and he filled it. Can you?
"Let me help you make more money." It's an irresistable offer to
business buyers.
"Let me help you make more money." It's a conversation starter
that works in any situation. If you're worried that you don't
have a good "elevator pitch", start with an offer of helping
someone to make more money.
Turn to the executive in the power suit beside you and say "Let
me help you make more money." and you instantly have the full
and complete attention of someone who barely noticed you a
moment ago. Someone lost in thought, worried about the bottom
line, trying to get ahead in the marketplace.
Every corporate executive, small business person and home
business owner is looking for ways to make more money. It's a
universal concept and it's one that you can capitalize on in
your own business.
No executive on earth is going to say "No, thank you." to an
offer like that. You know the executive is going to say "Really?
How?" and then you have their attention. At the very least,
they'll want to hear what you have in mind. Just capturing their
attention brings you closer to a potential sale.
Then bring the deal home. Demonstrate the ways in which your
offer saves money, time, increases the reach of a message,
improves bottom line results - whatever it is that you're in
business to do. Help them see how your offer helps them make
them more money.