Pain-free Business: 8 Ways To Make Sure Customers Want What You Sell

Can I get something off my chest? my heart?

I'm distressed about how many entrepreneurs and small business owners are driving themselves and their business into the ground because of the chase--running after for customers, running after new business, running after another day to keep their business open. This chase has put them into a cycle of emotional pain, even if they haven't brought themselves to admit it...yet.

I feel that pain. Not in a therapist sort of way, but I really do feel it. I feel it every time I speak at small business conferences, every time I teach my workshops around the country, every time I start clients on their business'brand development. I may be sensitive to it because I used to feel it all the time myself.

It feels like constriction around your head and heart that leaves you momentarily unclear and unable to make a decision. It feels like escalating jabs that sometimes results in unexplained bouts of talking to yourself. It feels like an endless frenetic loop, like George Jetson walking his dog Astro on the treadmill, "Get me off this crazy thing!" I told you, I really feel it. I can also offer a few suggestions to help you stay clear from that cycle.

Chances are you started your business out of great idea or a great desire. Chances are you took on "the challenge" because you truly believed in your business idea. Chances are you did not think you would spend your time chasing potential customers.

There are 8 simple things you can do today to put yourself back on a successful business path paved with personal joy and financial freedom. And more importantly...keep you there.

1. Define It - Clearly identify what your product or service tangibly does for your customer in an easy-to-understand way. Your customer already is overloaded with figuring out things for themselves. They shouldn't have to work to figure out what you do for them.

2. Believe In It - Make sure that your product or service is something you value in your own life and you truly have faith in it. Not as a means to make your house payment but from a huge desire to make something better. Not just a little bit but in a major way.

3. Craft It - Create the experience of your product or service as one your potential customers can know instantly. Think of any product or service you buy regularly and see if you can identify why. Your consumer knowledge can be put to powerful use as a business owner.

4. Institute It -- Create a reliable (product or service) experience, one that customers can depend on without variation. Establish a specific sales experience, from sales associates, to affiliates, to website, to final delivery that all echo the overall experience you have clearly defined. Note: when creating a powerful consumer experience; variation is bad, innovation is good.

5. Ensure It -- Make sure your product or service is deeply connected to your business from an inner perspective, not simply as a reaction to market conditions. The conditions change and your products should evolve, not become obsolete. Without internal grounding you will be forever stuck in 'the chase'for new products or services.

6. Innovate It -- Look for new and exciting ways to deliver solutions to the problem that your product or service alleviates. The excitement of evolution alone will result in heightened desire in customers and they'll love you for it.

7. Research It -- Clearly identify who really needs your product or service. You must know your target, their demo- and psycho- graphics and more. You need to be in their 'heads.'A great way to start is to know yourself, remember you would use your product or service. This gives you practical working knowledge that you transfer to describe all your possible targets.

8. Translate It -- Learn to translate your product and service to each target as specifically as you can. Look at the specific characteristics of each target and customize the language. You can change and refine without risk, because the product or service is truly anchored and will always reflect your brand. Don't change the essence of the product or service, just the words you use to describe it.

This 'inside out'approach to product or service development will connect with customers and protect your brand. With these eight simple practices in place you can be assured that your business will evolve pain-free. You will not only experience success, but something even greater-- a pure love for what you spend most of your life doing.

Kim A. Castle and W. Vito Montone, Co-founders BrandU