Penis enlargement pumps have been used over the past couple of decades as a way to increase penis size. The fact is that lately the pump has been losing its ground to the newer methods of natural penis enlargement. This is due to the problems with the pump that are more widely becoming known.
A penis enlargement pump is a hollow plastic tube that fits over the penis in an airtight seal at the base. A small hand pump is attached and when used, blood is pulled from the body to force blood into the penis.
This process is what gives it the larger appearance. To keep the bigger erection, a tight ring needs to be put around the base of the penis to hold the blood in. Some men who have trouble keeping erections use this method and can have intercourse for around 30 minutes.
So how does the stretcher device compare to the pump. One of the main problems of the pump is the results you get. As mentioned above, pumps provide a temporary solution while stretchers offer permanent gains. A stretcher will lengthen and strengthen the penis over time, allowing more blood to flow in, which results in harder erections. No need for a cock ring either. The size gains are permanent and noticeable when the penis is erect or flaccid (limp).
Another problem with pumps is the negative effects of long term use. A man can become dependent on the pump in order to get any erection at all. The pump can also make the penis swollen, smaller, and use of it can even become painful enough to leave scars. This is no way to treat man's lovemaking tool.
Stretchers, on the other hand, naturally stretch the penis over time, allowing it to heal while you aren