Is Web Design For Me?

For several weeks, months and heavens-forbid years, you've been scrutinizing your web skills and talents. Your teacher says you're talented. You're friends love your work, but you're still not sure if the web business is for you.

Well. . . I'm going to help you to your "Road to Success" with a question.

What are you doing with your free time?

Are you constantly going above and beyond your homework assignments? Are you going door-to-door looking for web work? Are you keeping on top of the latest Internet news?

If you've said yes to all three questions-- welcome to your future. You've found your true calling.

If you said, "no," I have news for you. The web field isn't for you.

Contrary to popular belief, you won't get your dream job by schoolwork alone, or by talent for that matter.

It comes from "doing." Doing lots of extra work on your own free time.

Think about it.

If the only web work you do is homework assignments, those who eat and sleep Internet will eat you alive in the online world.

While you're satisfied that your homework is done, future web specialists are designing and programming. They're building sites for their friends and family and anyone else who will give them a chance.

But wait, you say. I have just as much talent as those guys, but I happen to have a life. Great, glad to hear it. But read between the lines. What you're saying is that there isn't enough passion for web work to make it a part of your life. Your work is you. You are your work.

To put it bluntly, you need to be a nerd in your field of interest. Look at any profession and the people who are more successful emotionally and financially are nerds.

We're nerds not because we sport pocket protectors. We're nerds because our jobs revolve around us. Our work is an integral part of our life. In order to stay ahead of the rest, you can't turn off your computer at five o'clock and think you're going to be a match for the competition when you turn it back on in the morning.

Are you meant for the web world? Look at what you do with your free time. It will tell volumes about you and your future.

Rick Murray is the Creative Director and Senior Web Designer at and owner of Nice Site Design in Des Moines, Iowa.