Mrs. Stone of Coon Path in Lambertville, NJ
Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)
A deciduous shrub in the Laurel Family (Lauraceae)
Mrs. Stone lived on a hillside south of Lambertville, New
Jersey, on a one lane road called Coon Path. It was while
working for her as a teenager that I first found a Spicebush
also known as Lindera Benzoin. Usually found as an understory
multi-stemmed shrub, it had found its home on her property in a
common location for this native plant, as an under story shrub
to a wet woodlands site, and right on top of her drip spring
that fed into a cistern that supplied her house with water. One
of my regular tasks for her was to cut it back and keep the
intake lines to the cistern open. Being a vigorous grower in
these conditions, I got to see this plant at all times of the
year as I maintained this cistern. In the spring it was early to
bloom sometimes beginning in January. One year there was a warm
spell in late January and I had to open up the springs intake
line. I was suprised to find that this plant had started to
bloom. Silly me, I thought plants only bloomed in the spring.
Whenever I would cut, chop, or work on this plant, it would emit
a pleasant spicy fragrance. In late summer and early fall this
spice bush would have a display of bright red fruits. I don't
recall it suffering deer damage but its fruits were eaten by
wildlife in short order. Its foliage was a glossy dark green
which made it standout in the dense shade. There are few woody
plants that thrive under these dense canopy conditions. I found
out how easy it is to propagate because as long as when I would
cut it back and keep it moist, in a shaded location, this plant
could root and continue to grow. (It has small fibrous roots so
when transplanting give this plant ample water and it will
survive.) The plant near the Stone's spring was full grown. It
was 12 high and 15 feet wide. The Spicebush is an adaptable
plant. It will grow in full sun and drier locations. In drier
locations it may have some tip dieback, but it will be denser
and have better flower and seed production. This bush has both
male and female plants. If you get winter die back, don't worry.
Cut out the effected branches and wait for basal sprouts to
regenerate since there are no major pests to be concerned with
in growing this plant. You can see more articles on plants at my
web site