Write and Distribute Your Articles Instead of Building Feeder or Mini-Sites

Have you noticed the feeder site or mini-site craze?

This is a traffic generation strategy where you create mini websites that feed targeted traffic to a primary "money" site... meaning, your core website that earns revenue for you and your business.

Feeder site example: Your core website is a financial investing tips website along with ebooks and pay per click ads on the site for revenue creation. You would create 5 mini-sites that are more granular than your core site (in this example, perhaps stocks, personal finance, mutual funds, college savings accounts, etc) and attempt to attract traffic that would deliver qualified traffic to your "money" site.

Should you build feeder sites? No.


Because you can get a much higher return and widen your reach by investing your time in writing hundreds and then thousands of articles that you put into syndication / distribution. Share your expertise with others and you'll be rewarded with quality traffic back to your site.

The net effect will be better because rather than having 2-10 feeder sites sending traffic to your 'money' site, you'll have hundreds and then thousands of websites sending your qualified traffic to your website.

Search engines frown on feeder sites because they (just like you and I) don't like to be 'gamed'. You can actually protect your search engine friendly reputation by not engaging in thinly-veiled feeder sites.

Article Syndication vs. Feeder/Mini-Sites Bottom line:

Feeder sites are not necessary.

Writing and distributing thousands of quality original articles is necessary if you want to achieve better targeted traffic creation results.

Go deep and think bigger. You can write and distribute thousands of articles before the year is over. Those who say it can't be done are often investing their time in defending why it can't be done vs. those of us who are doing it and know it is possible. You can do it too! :-) Put on your writing cap, get a plan, set an article writing volume goal and get started today.

Christopher Knight - EzineArticles Expert Author

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic http://EzineArticles.com/ directory. When you submit your articles to EzineArticles.com, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links in tact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today: http://EzineArticles.com/submit/

Copyright 2005 - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give proper author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers.