Remember the childhood game, "Follow the Leader?" Well, it's not just for kids. It's for adult job-seekers too! Think of the hiring manager as your leader. Follow him or her right into the position you want to fill. How? By keeping communication open. Follow up every lead, contact, phone call, letter, or interview with a sizzling post-interview cover letter that puts your name on the top of his or her list. FEW people stop and say in writing, 'thank you,' 'I appreciated meeting you,' 'I m grateful for the time you gave me today,' 'If I can provide further information, please let me know.'
But what a difference these few words can make, especially when hand-written and mailed directly to the hiring manager's attention. After all, he or she is a human being just like you, who likes to be remembered and acknowledged. Follow-up letters also show what kind of person you are