A personal loan is a sum that any adult individual borrows to fulfill his financial requirements. There are many purposes for which any individual can take a personal loan. Personal loans can be used to provide funds to buy a car, pay for your dream cruise or that remote island escapade, buy a boat, pay mortgage arrears, finance your home improvement plans, payment of alimony or paying for credit card bills etc. In fact personal loans can be taken for most of the financial emergencies you can think of.
There are many banks and financial institutions, which provide personal loans. All of them have their own terms and conditions. To get the best deal on your personal loan you must ensure that you contact and consult as many lending institutions as possible. Tell them about your financial requirements and situation. Get quotes from them and check whether you can repay the personal loan with ease.
The banks will provide you with a lump sum amount when you complete the formalities of getting the loan. The money can be used to fund your requirements. The amount banks will recover from you will include the debt, coupled with the interest charged on it over the repayment period. The longer the repayment term the less will be the interest to be paid on the personal loan.
Personal loans are preferred due to their flexibility. The two most common types of personal loans are secured and unsecured personal loans. The option of secured and unsecured personal loans are linked to the fact whether you can offer any property or fixed asset as collateral for the loan. These loans are discussed below in detail.
Secured personal loan
A loan secured against some immovable or movable asset is called a secured loan. These loans are easy to get since the lending institutions feel comfortable while giving them. The reason for their comfort is the collateral you provide. Secured personal loans have lower interests and easy repayment options. Lending institutions don