Are Instant Messengers Safe?

Are Instant Messengers Safe?

If you would like to use an instant messenger for notification of emails, then you have probably wondered if they are any security issues with this.

By instant messenger, I am talking about MSN, Yahoo or AOL IM. The three most popular in US. Each of these 3 are maintained by 3 different companies, and use 3 different protocols in the way they processes your messages across the internet. Currently, there is no security flaws in the 3 protocols, and if one is found, it is quickly patched, because all 3 companies have enough money to deploy a fast fix solution. So keep your instant messenger as up to date as possible.

Now, that you your instant messenger is up to date, lets examine the problem at hand. Security-wise, is it okay to setup new e-mail notification with instant messenger. In my opinion it is okay. Actual content is not being sent. It is only a notification (couple of header packets) that e-mail has arrived onto the pop server waiting to be downloaded or viewed.

Now, if you're really worried about security, the first thing I'd fix is instant messaging and e-mails. Non of those are encrypted by default. Meaning whatever messages you send to your friend or whoever else by e-mail or instant messaging, a middle guy can pick it up and read it. It's called a middle-man attack... This is a completely different topic and I won't get into that now. At the current moment people can't break the messenger protocols, but they can still read what your're sending to people.

About the author:
The author is obsessed with the DXinOne business. He writes articles and software to help with the education and application of the Electronic Currency Exchanging Business