What Are Hover Ads and Why Are Online Marketers Starting to Use Them in Place of Popup Windows?

We all know what popup's are, but why are Hover ads touted as the next generation in web site promotion?

The answer is simple really, popup's have had their day and are now seen more as a nuisance and an obstruction to visitors when they are surfing web pages that contain them.

Sure, when they first started to appear it seemed that every one liked them (including many in the upper echelons of web site design)

But if you happened to be an unfortunate soul that clicked one of those adult links or get quick rich schemes disguised as something else then you know that popup's were also used like a weapon, they were unleashed mercilessly, the second you closed one, another one or two would pop up and so on.

Eventually many people became annoyed with this intrusion so much so that they are now loathed. So in came the popup killers, first as stand alone programs, then as plug-ins to the browsers.

The very sad thing about all this is that popup's actually were incredibly effective when they were used responsibly!

Many of the online marketing gurus were pulling in optin-rates and sales some up to 300%.

Even now popup's are still being used by many and they are still a very effective marketing tool especially for online forms.

So then What are Hover ads and how do they differ?

Hover ads are a little bit different because they are launched within the browser window and are not a popup in the regular sense.

Also with Hover ads the amount of customization with regards to appearance and effects that one can add to them is vast.

Unlike regular popup's, Hover ads can be designed to totally blend in with any web page, it's style, colours and fonts to name a few.

Web masters can also make Hover ads stand out like "tutti frutti"in other words you can make them so bright and loud that they will be noticed for maximum impact.....not only that but Hover ads can be launched using "irregular" shapes as well.

Hover ads cannot be blocked by conventional popup blockers but they can be de- activated!

Except in doing so one will also disable other essential components from their web browser that will make their web surfing feel like they were back in 1994.

The point that many people who complain about popup's seem to forget is that they are effective.

Hover ads are not only just as effective but tremendously more flexible therefore much more powerfull so that they can be made to be very appealing, which means they have a much better chance of not getting closed.

Enter a program that creates Hover ads with ease, Hover-iT! Hover ad creator was developed with responsible marketing in mind.

The reason we made them "unblock able" was NOT to annoy the heck out of people ( Why annoy your potential clients?) but rather to give people a choice.

The problem has been that in the "frenzy" of popup killing, most of the major browsers and add on search tools have the popup blocker "enabled" automatically.

Many people, especially new surfers to the internet would not know this, and this is really NOT fair for them or those trying to promote their products from THEIR web sites

Now before some one starts to say that a visitor should NOT be subjected to this type of advertising let's look at one issue that is really at the center here and that is...Choice!

Yes,that is right Choice, who should make the choice whether one wants to see a popup window or a Hover ad? The visitor? or the Web master? or google, microsoft and the like?

The majority of people certainly don't like the idea of handing over their surfing decisions to the latter.

So it really comes down to the visitor or the web master.

We feel that the visitor should have the choice to disable this kind of advertising, and that the web master should have the choice of installing them on their web site.

If the visitor is so annoyed at seeing a popup on a particular web site they will do one of the following two things, close them and continue surfing or leave the web site and possibly never return.

BUT The choice should theirs!!

Hover-iT hover ad producer has some inbuilt effects that allow the web master to make the Hover ads as subtle as possible ( you can make them virtually unnoticeable) or as up front as you think will be necessary to make your offer stand out.

Hover-iT has some great pre set templates as well to make your forms and ads even more appealing.

This is the area that professional marketers are now looking to as a replacement for the now almost invisible popup.

Hover-iT producer is the BEST VALUE form money on the web right now? with Hover-iT you can:

:: Set border thickness-colour, delay timed appearance, insert HTML, Flash, Java files, forms etc.

:: Set position to appear anywhere on screen.

:: Set cookies, pre-built effects.

:: Set toollbar color, font style font colour, blend for total subtlety.

:: Add images, choose Form template, E-mail grabber template, paste code directly in it's HTML editor, draggable, and many more features and extras....read on below.

And many more features including a timer code for timed specials and a dater code for date expiry specials.....

Hover-iT is also the best value for money in its range as well.

Marketers are looking for alternatives to popup's and Hover ads are just the thing that have started to replace them.

Check it out!

Tony Saffioti

Hover-iT Team