What's Astrology Good For ?
Word Count: 326 words Category: Astrology
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What's Astrology Good For ?
You usually find it on the comics page. Most people who read it
make jokes about it; some, under their breath, comment on how
spooky it is...
This is not astrology. Consider:
If someone wrote a column that broke all of us down into 12
"types" then proceeded to tell us what diseases we had, would
you call that Medicine?
I've been an astrologer for over 36 years and I have a couple
of things to say about what it's worth.
First, it is worth studying for the Meaning it can add to our
lives. Care must be taken here, though. Any astrologer that says
it can predict your future is Dead Wrong.
Second, it's good for broadening our understanding of just how
many factors go to make up a complete person. We All Have All
Twelve Signs In Our Natures! No one is lacking any of them. In a
complete chart they are all there. True, most people have 4 or 5
more emphasized but we all have all twelve.
A good place to get your whole chart for free (plus a free
interpretation) is:
Third, astrology is supreme at helping us track Cycles in our
lives. It's very good at answering questions like: Have these
circumstances happened before? How can I face them this time
with more of my true self? What in my past has a bearing on
what's happening now? How can I take what I have now and use it
in the best way in the future?
So, more meaning, a broader understanding, and cyclic
awareness. Not bad for something that can't even predict the
future, eh?
You can read much more about it in my new book. Go to my blog
and check it out: