The Secrets to My Success (It's Not What You Think)

Quite honestly, I've done a lot of things in my lifetime - good and bad. I've been around eBay a long time buying, selling, but mostly researching, watching and learning. I've tried so many techniques and theories, many of which have failed. I've had days where I've wanted to throw my hands up and quit. I've met plenty of people that have made me want to quit, but something keeps me coming back for more. Perhaps it is that burning desire to succeed. Not only to succeed, but to succeed honestly, without playing dirty or undercutting other people. Maybe I want people out there to know they aren't alone and people do care. Perhaps in my twisted little mind, I really do believe that good people can come out on top. It might take longer, but it can work. Over the past years I've been asked time and again, how do you do it? I don't think I ever really thought about it, so I thought it was time. Before I even start, please know this isn't an article pushing religious beliefs or lifestyles. This is about "my success", what works for me. Each person will have their own recipe to fit their own lifestyle and belief system, but I am sharing what works for ME. Over the course of time, I've found 5 main ingredients that I KNOW have helped me succeed. They seem like no brainers, but it took me awhile to work them all out and abide by them wholeheartedly. Honesty: Yep, honesty. Seems easy enough, but is really hard to do. I've screwed up before listing things with flaws I missed, sending out a wrong package, forgetting to ship a package on time and it is so tempting and so easy just to type a little "white lie" to my customer in order not to upset them. I'll be the first one to admit I've done that before, but I'll also be the first one to admit it doesn't establish anything for my business or my character. People respond very favorably to flat-out honesty and it does worlds for your character. Your character is your most important weapon in this world. Treasure it, guard it and build it. Openness: Openness doesn't always mean accepting everything the world throws at you or believes, but being open minded is vital to success. Encourage and evaluate constructive criticism. A person that can't re-evaluate themselves and be open to change is one that will never grow and succeed to their highest potential. That has been a tough lesson for me to learn. No one likes criticism even if it is constructive. Communication: In the e-business you HAVE to be a great communicator. You don't have to be a seasoned writer, but you have to be able to convey a message. More importantly you have to successfully convey it with words and as we all know can be tricky as words can be so easily misrepresented. I would encourage you to use great tact in your communication, even when you are in contact with a "rude" customer. My motto: "Kill them with kindness". It really works:) Even though it is so much easier to yell and shout and not to mention how temporarily good it feels. In the long run, it will only hurt your business. Circle of Friends: As a business this is sooo important. A healthy support system has endless benefits. Not only can you turn to them for advice, but perhaps even advertisements and promotions. I have learned that what I promote has to be what I would use myself and what I stand for. I've learned the hard way, that I can only support businesses that are as ethically sound as I am. I don't care if a business has 100,000 subs to promote me. If they aren't honest and ethical I won't do business with them. I am a firm believer what comes around goes around and I can't build a business based on that. God: God, first and foremost, is the reason my business exists and I hadn't always given him that credit. I've learned that God gives me everything I have and only asks for 10% in return. I honestly was never a consistent tither until 6 months ago. It was then I took a leap of faith and knew I had to follow God. Since that moment, I have been blessed ten-fold. I can't even tell you how much has developed and happened in my life since I started letting God be in control of it, following him and trusting him. I would encourage any other Christians out there, to just give it a try...wholeheartedly. Whew, I could really talk about this "success" all day and I hope you can find your niche and your recipe for success easier than I did.