When people are upset at their government, they often do not who to blame, some are merely frustrated and upset. They know that they have so say, they know if they make a statement they will be attacked. They no that the blob of bureaucracy serves no one; the fine folks in government as we call them say, do not blame us, blame the politicians. The politicians say that it is not their fault the system was broken when they got there. Everyone knows a politician is not honest by nature, as it takes a liar to get elected and most are lawyers anyway, which no one can trust. The public officials say there's a huge difference between politicians and public officials.
Yes, they are right, as we keep track of our politicians expenditures thru media, reporting and scrutiny, where as the public officials are 1/3 completely dishonest and get away with it for years due to tenure. Some of the most worthless scoundrels I have ever run across in my life have been "those fine folks in government." I am glad many believe in god, so we can put the fear of god in them, because no one else seems to be watching. Quick call Santa Claus too! You better be nice, think twice and get rid of the lice. These folks sit at coffee machines and stand in the way of productivity, while 1/3 do nothing but file forms.
Of course in their honor, I will admit that 1/3 of all people are dishonest too. And since we recruit those from the general public we ought to expect this, I suppose. Yet the more the authority the larger the ratio and the more chances you will get a BTK in your code enforcement department. Whoops, so much for the god is watching you thing?