Mini Lessons: Listening and Viewing for Literacy
Today's literacy classrooms feature structured minilessons that
are powered by direct teaching delivered through tight,quickly
paced instruction by skilled teachers. The minilesson is often
demanding on the teacher and on the students, as well. Yet,
there is great value in its use. Learners who are the target
audiences for minilessons, must be self-managing and responsible
listeners who can quickly receive information demonstrated, and
then turn it around in a quick practice called a "try it" as
they apply the skill as best as they can.
Students must listen with intention in a minilesson.Following
the 7-10 minute teaching time,they are expected to use what they
have seen and heard to springboard into their own application of
a literacy skill.
The type of listening children need in order to be successful in
a minilesson is "Accountable Listening". Much like the current
educational strategy of "Accountable Talk", this type of
listening produces result in a short period of time!"Accountable
Listening" can be taught to children as young as kindergarten
age through any of the following avenues:
The Eyes Have It!
Train students who are gathered for a lesson to look you in the
eye. Keep searching your group to engage eye contact in a way
that reaches all eyes. Comment and praise those who make eye
contact! I usually send a lot of Eye Messages in a lesson , and
often remind students that I see their eyes, but am judging
their ears!
Thinking for Inking!
Pattern students to move through kinestetic behaviors, like a
think system sign. Train students to point to their brains when
they feel they are understanding the skill. Demo this for the
group in a think aloud fashion. Tell them they are not only
cogitating...but they are Thinking for their Inking!
Anchors Away!
Teach a sound word, or an anchor word that can punctuate the
lesson. For instance, If I say, " Do you get it?" regularly in
my lesson, I teach the group to shout as a chorus," Got it!" Use
this often in lessons to keep energy and connection high.
Elbow Partners
As students gather, have them identify their elbow partner for
the day: the person next to them. During the lesson, you may
stop once or twice to have students turn and whisper elements of
the lesson. For example, the partners could repeat something in
the lesson or speculate how they will use the skill.
Using this array of quick and engaging active teaching tools
will keep students interested and the lesson lively. The writers
in your minilessons will be fairly bursting at the seams to
write independently in the "try it" when you have stimulated
their thinking through Accountable Listening!