Massage For Infants And Children
Massage benefits individuals of all age groups and different
conditions. Touch is as important to any infants and kids like
eating and sleeping. Massaging involves loving, gentle stroking
or kneading by a parent or caregiver on various parts of a
child's body like the face, head, arms, shoulders, neck, hands,
back, legs and feet.
Use of oils on the body of your precious little ones to soothe,
relax and heal affirms a strong, close bond conveying a
comforting sense of trust and security.
Early infant massage enhances the development of the nervous
system and stimulates all other systems of the body. It improves
circulation, respiration, aids digestion and eases elimination
of wastes from the body. It also makes your little one less
prone to gas and colic ailments. Massage of baby in its growing
years prepares the body for sitting, standing and walking.
Massage is a wonderful stress buster for children who are prone
to all kind of stress. Like a child starting a school in a new
area, health, fights amongst parents, exams or peer pressure,
etc produce emotional, physical and mental stress. Massage
reduces stress hormones and heals the body.
Each child responds differently to massage. Some may squirm,
cry, or some might just appear more relaxed and calm and also
fall asleep.
There is no fixed time to massage your baby. Find a time
suitable for you and your baby. Some enjoy in the morning after
their feed, some in the afternoon before or after their naps.
Massage before bedtime can put a cranky baby to sleep
peacefully. Follow the massage with a warm bath.
While giving a massage, sit straight either on the floor or on
the bed or stand before the table. The room is warm enough as
your little one can shiver when undressed. The place where you
massage you baby should be quiet and away from distractions of
all kinds.
Lay your child on soft surface like thick set of towels so it
may not hurt it self when it wriggles or squirms. Keep aside
towel, pair of wash cloths, clean diaper and baby clothes for
use after the massage.
Oils are good for lubrication, helping your hand glide smoothly
over your baby's soft and rather delicate skin. Small babies
have a habit of putting their hand or fingers in their mouth all
the time, so it's ideal to use oil that is of good quality. Use
cold pressed (oils extracted by means of pressure) or unscented
oils. Alternatively you can use baby oils produced by many
companies which specialize in baby products. Grape seed oil has
nice texture, apricot and almond oils are smooth, light and
easily absorbable into the body. To massage your babies, use
coconut oil in summers and mustard oil in winter.