Testing PH Keeping The Body Balanced
A healthy person has no aches, or pain, body odor, bad breath,
foot odor, urine or stool does not smell, he or she sleeps
soundly, has no skin rash, dandruff, and rarely has a cold, flu
or heartburn. Healthy people do not take non-prescription or
prescription drugs.
People are unhealthy; in reality, most have symptoms that
require some type of medication.
Testing the PH balance of the body will give an effective
overview of personal health. Monitoring does not diagnose a
disease or sickness, but the ability of the body to respond to
diet changes and stress.
Knowing if the body is acidic or alkali is inside knowledge of
health improvement. Keeping the body PH balanced is an indicator
of good health. To get the exact PH reading, test saliva and
urine when awaking, before you eat or drink, then add the two
readings together and divide them by two.
PH testing tells of the environment of the bodily fluids, which
surround the cells. Having an alkaline environment will serve as
a buffer. Sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron
contribute to an alkaline environment. Testing the urine or
saliva is the easiest body fluid to know if the body has
minerals stored in the fluids. These minerals are found through
out the body. When the PH saliva test is 7.0, the body has the
minerals needed to function smoothly. Normal PH range for saliva
is 6.8 to 7.4 and the normal range for urine is 6.4 to 6.8.
The body becomes fertile ground for some diseases, particularly
arthritis and cancer when it becomes too acidic. Cell will
degenerate and die, thereby causing the body to become more
acidic. The body must maintain the proper balance to utilize the
nutrients, or eliminate collected waste.
The body has a deposit and withdrawal system when it comes to
maintaining the proper PH in the blood. If the blood is
alkaline, the PH range is 7.35 to 7.45. A PH upset would
severely affect the organs. The blood has a narrow PH range,
7.35 or 7.45, anything below or above is an indication of
disease. By some researchers, if PH falls below 6.8 or above
7.8, the cells stop functioning and death occurs. By some
researchers, the ideal PH balance is 7.35 and by others, it is
7.4. However, we all agree that alkaline system is best for
optimal health.